Who is behind MBH Plugins

We are My Business Hosting, a website development and hosting company based in Australia.

What is diffirent about your plugins

All plugins are developed focusing solely on functionality. As such you will see that there are no fancy elements, stylesheets, ajax calls etc. That minimizes the possibility of conflicts either with other plugins or themes.

Why are you selling them so cheap?

We try like everyone else to make a living. Our price reflects that and it is our hope that people will be honest enough and buy multiply plugins rather than just one which then they use on multiply sites. If you do use them on multiply sites without paying because you can not afford the one off $10 then seriously good luck to you as you will have bigger problems than this.

Is you xxx plugin better than the competition?

We would never compare our plugins with anybody else’s. There are a lot of great plugins out there from free to paid versions and we use a lot of them ourselves for our clients. Our plugins were developed for our needs and now we make them available to the public, that’s all.

Is xxx plugin compatible with xxx plugin/theme/version?

Our plugins have all been tested from php 7.4 up to php 8.2 with a variety of different WordPress and Woocommerce versions. As the plugins are running solely on functionality we have not identified any errors as yet.

Are you offering a subscription model?

We do not and we are not interested in doing either so. We know from experience that a lot of plugins are selling through subscriptions. We understand the principal and model behind that but at the same time we know that some plugins do not justify that. As such our prices are low enough that if in the future you need to buy an updated version you can do so.